Welcome to Andrew Nicoll's Physics and Engineering website! This website is to go along side my Lectures on You Tube.

You Tube:

My videos range from engineering, physics and mathematics. They are currently aimed at people doing either A level physics, higher A level physics and GCSE physics, maths (Calculus, trigonometry, algebra and general maths) and Foundation Degree and higher National Engineering.

In my A level videos and playlists on physics, I will set higher level topics which are a step to University standard. The topics are on quantum mechanics, General and special relativity/cosmology. The main pillars of my Engineering videos are Mechanics of materials, Thermodynamics, Electrostatics and electromagnetism, Direct current, Transients and alternating current. (There are 31 playlists on engineering) that fit into all those categories. 

My Engineering videos are intended to go over the key scientific principles in Engineering, whether you know almost all of it or you've just started. The levels of difficulty will progress through out the ordered  playlists and  videos.


So, my website is were you can access all my videos, which will have a detailed transcript of the video with diagrams.